Why Is My Cat Mate fountain not working?
Clean your pump Oftentimes, if your fountain has reduced water flow or has stopped working, your pump simply needs to be disassembled and thoroughly cleaned. Different fountains come with different pumps, however, the cleaning steps remain the same. We recommend cleaning the pump every 2-4 weeks.
How often should I change my cat mate filter?
every 6-8 weeks
If you’ve got a Pet-Mate pet fountain, you need to buy some of these. It’s not enough just rinsing it out every once in a while, you need to throw a new filter in, every 6-8 weeks or so.
How often should you change the water in a cat fountain?
Clean the fountain every 3 to 4 days for multiple cats, every 5 to 6 days for a single cat. Allow the number of cats you have to figure into the equation as well as if they are long or short hair. Longhairs will generally want a more frequent cleaning.
How do I reset my cats fountain?
After replacing the filter, press and hold the reset button for 5s to make the orange light disappear.
How do I set up cat Mate automatic feeder?
Frequent feed (small feeds at regular intervals)
- Press and hold the `TIME’ and `FEED’ buttons together for 5 seconds until the Frequent Feed indicator (`F’)
- Press and hold the `TIME’ button for 5 seconds until the hour figure on the clock starts to flash.
Where is the filter reset button on cat fountain?
Just for clarification, the filter reset button is on the underside of the fountain, a tiny black button. It is NOT the same button you use to change the water dispensing mode. 19 of 29 found this helpful.
Should I turn off cat water fountain at night?
The fountain should be remained plugged in 24/7 to provide your pet with fresh water. Only unplug the fountain to clean.
Where should a cat’s water fountain be placed?
Your cat’s water bowl should be placed 3-5 feet away from its food bowl. Many cats cannot stand the scent of food near their water. In the wild, mixing food and water often results in bacterial growth and illness. Cats may also want to drink and eat in different places so that they can hide from predators.