What is the synonym of cited?
Some common synonyms of cite are call, convene, convoke, muster, and summon. While all these words mean “to demand the presence of,” cite implies a summoning to court usually to answer a charge. cited for drunken driving.
What does cited mean in law?
(a) Definition. – A citation is a directive, issued by a law enforcement officer or other person authorized by statute, that a person appear in court and answer a misdemeanor or infraction charge or charges.
What is the synonym of cite evidence?
1 adduce, advance, allude to, enumerate, evidence, extract, mention, name, quote, specify. 2 (Law) call, subpoena, summon.
What do you mean by cite?
Definition of cite transitive verb. 1 : to call upon officially or authoritatively to appear (as before a court) 2 : to quote by way of example, authority, or proof cites several noteworthy authors. 3a : to refer to especially : to mention formally in commendation or praise She was cited for bravery.
What is the opposite of cite?
Opposite of to present formally for discussion or consideration. recant. abjure. disavow.
How do you cite a case?
To cite a court case or decision, list the name of the case, the volume and abbreviated name of the reporter, the page number, the name of the court, the year, and optionally the URL. The case name is italicized in the in-text citation, but not in the reference list.
What is to cite evidence?
Citing textual evidence requires students to look back into the text for evidence to support an idea, answer a question or make a claim. ● Citing evidence requires students to think more deeply about the text, analyze the author, source etc.
Has been cited meaning?
to officially name or mention someone or something in a law court, or to officially request someone to appear in a court of law: The lawyer cited two similar cases. He has been cited as the co-respondent in the divorce case.
What does it mean to cite evidence?
If you cite something, you quote it or mention it, especially as an example or proof of what you are saying. [formal]
What is a sentence for cite?
Cite sentence example. We may cite an example or two. A few fragmentary passages remain, of which it will be sufficient to cite a word or two to call them to remembrance. We can only cite the Cuvier.
What is another word for cited?
quoted. 2 to make reference to or speak about briefly but specifically. cited a number of similar instances of people surviving plane crashes. Synonyms for cited. adverted (to), dropped, instanced, mentioned, named,
What is another word for police?
Police: the department of government that keeps order, fights crime, and enforces statutes. Synonyms: law, constabulary, finest… Find the right word.
What happens when a police officer issues a civil citation?
When an officer witnesses a person commiting a civil infraction the officer issues a civil citation and the person continues on their way. The person can pay the fine, or choose to have a hearing to contest the citation, in which case the officer will present evidence and testimony in court.
What is the meaning of citations in law?
v. cit·ed, cit·ing, cites. v.tr. 1. a. To quote or refer to (a book or author, for example) as an authority or example in making an argument. b. Law To refer to (a previous court decision or other legal precedent), as when arguing a case.