What is lithium carbonate used for?
This medication is used to treat manic-depressive disorder (bipolar disorder). It works to stabilize the mood and reduce extremes in behavior by restoring the balance of certain natural substances (neurotransmitters) in the brain.
What is lithium orotate and what is it good for?
Lithium orotate has a range of benefits for both the brain and body. Much like sodium and potassium, lithium orotate is a trace mineral which is required for optimal mental and physical health, but primarily contributes to brain defense, healthy aging, and mood stabilization.
Is lithium carbonate an antidepressant?
Is lithium a proven treatment for depression? Lithium does have a strong clinical track record as an effective treatment for bipolar depression. Specifically, over 300 studies in a clinical review showed that lithium use notably suppressed suicide attempts and suicides in study participants.
Can lithium orotate make you sleepy?
10-20 mg per day of lithium orotate. The prescription lithium is very potent, and is associated with several potential risks and side effects, such as tremor, acne, tiredness, and, more concerning, it may affect both thyroid and kidney function.
What happens if non bipolar people take lithium?
In more severe cases, you may experience neurological or cardiovascular problems. In early lithium toxicity, you may have mild confusion. As the toxicity worsens, you may feel delirious or even have seizures or go into a coma. In very rare cases, lithium toxicity may cause diabetes insipidus.
Does lithium orotate raise serotonin?
Lithium increases a brain chemical called serotonin. Some medications for depression also increase the brain chemical serotonin. Taking lithium along with these medications for depression might increase serotonin too much and cause serious side effects including heart problems, shivering, and anxiety.
Does lithium make you sleepy?
Lithium may affect your mental alertness or make you drowsy.