What is a tormented mind?
1 to afflict with great pain, suffering, or anguish; torture. 2 to tease or pester in an annoying way.
What are synonyms for tormented?
Some common synonyms of torment are afflict, rack, torture, and try. While all these words mean “to inflict on a person something that is hard to bear,” torment suggests persecution or the repeated inflicting of suffering or annoyance.
What is an example of torment?
Torment is pain, suffering, annoyance or anxiety. An example of torment is a toothache. An example of torment is Chinese water torture. Torture, originally as inflicted by an instrument of torture.
How do you use tormented?
tormented or harassed by nightmares or unreasonable fears.
- He was constantly tormented with headache.
- Tormented by her ignorance, Jenny delves into her mother’s past.
- She was tormented with fear.
- The knowledge of his guilt tormented him.
- She tormented me with some silly questions.
What the Bible Says About torment?
HELL IS A PLACE OF TORMENT Jesus says of the man in Luke 16: 23 “And in hell He lift up his eyes, being in TORMENTS. . . ” 24 “. . . for I am TORMENTED in this flame.” 28 “. . . PLACE OF TORMENT.”
What type of word is torment?
torment used as a noun: Any extreme pain, anguish or misery, either physical or mental.
What does it mean to torment yourself?
an act or instance of tormenting oneself, as with worry or guilt.
What does it mean when someone is in distress?
very upset
Definition of in distress 1 : very upset He was clearly in distress upon hearing the news. 2 : in a very difficult situation in which one does not have enough money, food, etc.
What kind of word is torment?
Is distress a mental illness?
There is no clinical diagnosis of emotional distress. Anyone can experience it, and it can be a part of a mental health disorder. It can sometimes be hard to distinguish between emotional distress and depression or anxiety.
What does a person in distress look like?
You may notice they are: Displaying a lack of interest in things they would normally enjoy or be involved in. Abruptly changing in tone, volume or mood. Pausing for long intervals between speaking. Withdrawing.
What are the common warning signs of emotional distress for adults?
Warnings signs of stress in adults may include:
- Crying spells or bursts of anger.
- Difficulty eating.
- Losing interest in daily activities.
- Increasing physical distress symptoms such as headaches or stomach pains.
- Fatigue.
- Feeling guilty, helpless, or hopeless.
- Avoiding family and friends.
What is the meaning of tormented?
1 : to cause severe usually persistent or recurrent distress of body or mind to cattle tormented by flies tormented by doubt She liked me, but she laughed at me, and tormented me …. — Charles Dickens. 2 : distort, twist.
What is the meaning of tormented by flies?
— Neal Karlen 1 : to cause severe usually persistent or recurrent distress of body or mind to cattle tormented by flies tormented by doubt She liked me, but she laughed at me, and tormented me … — Charles Dickens …
How do you use torment in a sentence?
Noun No one could understand his inner torment. After years of torment, she left her husband. The mosquitoes were a constant torment. Verb Not knowing where she was tormented him. he was tormented by nightmares about the accident
Who is the most tormented character in the Conjuring 2?
Emily—who is easily one of the most tormented characters of the show … — Rowan Born The Witch makes the mundane sinister, from the tormented shapes of the corn husks in the field to the weird glow of pewter by candlelight. — Katy Waldman