Is myoporum fast growing?
Creeping Myoporum is fast-growing, so it may need pruning a few times during the growing period if you want to keep it a specific shape or height. The shrub grows about 6 inches tall. Use hedge shears to keep it shorter, or use pruning shears to cut individual stems. As the shrub ages, it may develop bare patches.
Is myoporum a good ground cover?
In Southern California, it has proven to be a successful ornamental ground cover for slopes, medians and understory plantings. It tolerates heat and frost, and can be sustained with low amounts of supplemental water.
How do you maintain myoporum?
Plant myoporum parvifolium 6 to 8 feet apart in well-drained clay, loamy or sandy soil. Myoporum tolerates acidic, neutral or alkaline soils. Choose a spot that gets full sun, which means the plant spends at least half the day bathed in direct sunlight.
Can you walk on myoporum ground cover?
Myoporum parvifolium, or creeping boobialla, is one such plant. There are three different types, a fine leaf form, a broadleaf form and a purple foliaged form, all are tough, fast growing, have white flowers over a long time, are salt and drought tolerant and can be walked over occasionally.
When should I plant myoporum?
Plant creeping myoporum in spring when frost danger has passed. It needs a well-draining soil, but the soil can be clay, loamy or sandy. The soil pH should be below 7.0. Adding peat moss before planting will help lower the pH of alkaline soils.
Is myoporum drought tolerant?
Myoporum is found in frost-free coastal areas in California, from the San Francisco Bay area south. While the plant is surprisingly drought tolerant, myoporum also grows rapidly and reproduces easily in wet soils.
Is myoporum Parvifolium invasive?
The drought hardiness of Myoporum, and the fact that the plants are generally so pest free, has made members of this genus desirable for ornamental planting. The broad environmental tolerances of Myoporumis now leading to Myoporum to be considered an invasive weed in some areas of California.
How tall does myoporum grow?
4 to 6 inches tall
Myoporum parvifolium ‘Fine Leaf Form’ (Fine-leaf Groundcover Myoporum) – A quick growing, trailing dense evergreen groundcover that grows to 4 to 6 inches tall and spreads to 5 feet or more with well-branched stems and closely spaced narrow leaves.
Does myoporum grow in shade?
Myoporum parvifolium prefers full sun but also grows well in partial shade. However, it is not winter-hardy and can only tolerate temperatures down to 23° degrees Fahrenheit (-5° C). It is hardy to USDA hardiness zones 9 to 11.
Do Gophers like myoporum?
The gophers also ate at least four achillea and recently two large pennisetum. They don’t seem interested in the lavender, epilobium, or myoporum…”
What ground cover do gophers hate?
Among the most gopher-resistant species, you will find rosemary, lavender, Mexican sage (Salvia leucantha), zonal and scented geraniums, lantana, eucalyptus, pine, rockrose (Cistus spp.) and society garlic.