How useful is Pathoma for Step 1?
In summary, Pathoma is a great tool for augmenting your USMLE Step 1 studying, but cannot, and should not, be used in isolation. Consider taking notes from Pathoma directly into your First Aid textbook to consolidate your reference guide.
What are the 3 coagulation pathways?
Coagulation consists of three pathways, the extrinsic, intrinsic, and common pathways, that interact together to form a stable blood clot. The extrinsic and intrinsic coagulation pathways both lead into the final common pathway by independently activating factor X.
What is Pathoma used for?
Overall, Pathoma is a comprehensive resource that breaks down USMLE concepts into manageable chunks designed by a well-respected and excellent medical educator. We recommend it as a supplement to question-based studying; use it for its broad concepts, not to cram specific facts.
Does Pathoma cover pathophysiology?
(For the unintiated — Pathoma is a collection of video lectures and a textbook that covers pathology and pathophysiology from head to toe. Everything from the basic of inflammation to classification of uterine tumors is included therein.)
How many hours is Pathoma?
35 hours
Full access to 35 hours of online videos by Dr. Sattar. Videos highlight key concepts and highly-tested material. Covers all 19 chapters of Fundamentals of Pathology.
Does Pathoma cover physiology?
Does Pathoma have Immunology?
For example, if you are learning Immunology from First Aid, the very same day, you will also do Immunology from Pathoma.
How many total hours is Pathoma?
Full access to 35 hours of online videos by Dr. Sattar. Videos highlight key concepts and highly-tested material. Covers all 19 chapters of Fundamentals of Pathology.
How many days does it take to finish Pathoma?
The Pathoma text is over 200 pages long, so don’t expect to make your way through it in only a day or 2.
Is Pathoma high yield?
Pathoma Chapters 1-3 are extremely high-yield to cover before your exam.
How much time does it take to finish Pathoma?
Should I rewatch Pathoma during dedicated?
After spending many, many hours watching Pathoma during dedicated, I realized I was learning nothing new and it was a waste of time. Special note: Chapters 1-3 of Pathoma are absolutely essential and I think everyone should watch them again in the week leading up to the exam.
What is the coagulation pathway?
The coagulation pathway is a cascade of events that leads to hemostasis. The intricate pathway allows for rapid healing and prevention of spontaneous bleeding.
What is pathoma and how do you use it?
In a prior blog post we wrote “Use Pathoma as an appetizer or a nightcap to your studying, not as the main course. It can be a powerful tool to consolidate large-scale conceptual information after a study block or to prime yourself before beginning one.”
What are intrinsic and extrinsic coagulation pathways?
Two paths, intrinsic and extrinsic, originate separately but converge at a specific point, leading to fibrin activation. The purpose is to u … The coagulation pathway is a cascade of events that leads to hemostasis.
Can I use pathoma to study for USMLE Step 1?
In summary, Pathoma is a great tool for augmenting your USMLE Step 1 studying, but cannot, and should not, be used in isolation. Consider taking notes from Pathoma directly into your First Aid textbook to consolidate your reference guide.