How do you say the numbers 1 31 in French?
The other numbers are joined by a hyphen, like in English. Twenty-two is vingt-deux, thirty-four is trente-quatre, and sixty-seven is soixante-sept….Numbers in French: 21-69.
Number | In French | Pronunciation |
28 | vingt-huit | van wheet |
29 | vingt-neuf | van nuhf |
30 | trente | tront |
31 | trente et un | tront ay uh |
What are the numbers in Spanish 1 31?
1 – 100 Spanish Numbers
1 uno | 2 dos | 4 cuatro |
16 dieciséis | 17 diecisiete | 19 diecinueve |
21 veintiuno | 22 veintidós | 24 veinticuatro |
26 veintiséis | 27 veintisiete | 29 veintinueve |
31 treinta y uno | 32 treinta y dos | 34 treinta y cuatro |
What are the numbers 1 to 30 in French?
This is the foundation for all other numbers: un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix, onze, douze, treize, quatorze, quinze. Memorize the numbers for the multiples of ten: vingt, trente, quarante, cinquante, soixante, soixante-dix, quatre-vingt, quatre-vingt-dix.
How do you spell 30?
The number 30 is spelt as Thirty in English.
What 30in French?
vingt-neuf. 29. trente. 30. This activity was created by a Quia Web subscriber.
What are the basic cardinal numbers in Spanish?
Basic Cardinal Number Forms Numeral Spanish Numeral Spanish 8 ocho 50 cincuenta 9 nueve 60 sesenta 10 diez 70 setenta 11 once 80 ochenta
How do you conjugate the numbers 31 to 99 in Spanish?
Note that veintidós, veintitrés, and veintiséis and have an accent on the last syllable. Forming the numbers from 31 to 99 is a cinch. You just use a multiple of 10 plus the conjunction y and a number from 1 to 9. Here are some examples.
How do you write 21 31 41 51 in French?
The numbers 21, 31, 41, 51, and 61 join the numbers with the conjunction ”and” or et (ay) in French, as in vingt et un. The other numbers are joined by a hyphen, like in English.
How to say the numbers 1-20 in French?
Double-digit numbers in French follow special patterns. Learning the numbers to 100 in French can be done systematically. It is very important to master the numbers 1-20 because you will see these numbers used again and again. The numbers or les numéros (pronunciation: lay NEW-may-ro) from 1 to 20 in French are: